Mom to Mom

What is Mom to Mom? Mom to Mom was created to give moms an opportunity to socialize and build relationships with other moms while participating in a variety of activities once a week. Those activities include a home cooked meal for moms and their children. All meals and activities are always provided at no cost to moms.

Can I bring my kids? Childcare is provided by a licensed day care provider for children from birth through three years of age. Activities are provided for children age four and up by a young lady with a special heart for children. All childcare is provided free of charge.

Is this something my kids and I can do together? We have designed separate activities for moms and separate activities for children. Our goal is to allow moms one hour a week to enjoy being the beautiful women they are free from the demands of parenthood.

We meet at 109 E 3rd in Pratt, KS located above the Sears building.

If you have any further questions please Contact Us or send us a message on Facebook Messenger!

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